

 Alphabet ABCMY Cyan Magenta Yellow
 There is no such thing as a failed experiment.
 Always look on the Bright Side of Life
 Alphabet Blues
 Never loose your sense of wonder.
 Go girl go - girlpower
 My Aunties Garden
 Size matters for stitchers
 All you need is love. And a little chocolate.
 Vogeleieren - Bird Eggs
 I have never done it before so i think i will manage
 The Crownless again shall be King
 Carpe Diem
 Life is too short for cheap wine
 History has its eyes on you
 Cherish those who love you with an affection that is as light to carry as it is strong to feel.
 Holland in Cross Stitch
 Though she be but little she is fierce - William Shakespeare Cross Stitch
 Happy to Love You
 Live the full life of the mind - Ernest Hemingway Cross Stitch
 Because of You
Tulipa - bulbs tulips
Madame Primula
Apple Square
Rosi Rosa
Saintpaulia Blues
Booming Blooming
Little Fellows


Hoogstraat 193
5615 PD Eindhoven
Phone +31 (0) 652020341



BTW (Vat)

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